Production | Inspection | Materials

Power Hot Air Station without ESHT Magazine 230V

  • 1,850.00 EUR
Article Number: JBC-JTSE-2QB
Supplier: JBC
JTSE is a high powered Hot Air Station capable of reworking all types of SMDs.
The combination of the exclusive JBC hot air system with protectors, tripods and extractors ensures desoldering components easily and safely, concentrating the heat on the selected component as show:

Desoldering with JT Hot Air Station

Connecting an external thermocouple provides a high-precise close-loop control of the component/PCB during the rework process or can also be used to protect a component or a specific area of the PCB.
As all the JBC Stations, the JT has a menu with more than 10 parameters to customise the control unit.