Production | Inspection | Materials

Tim-Nordic Team

Talk to experts

We cover Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway.

Jan Fagerström, CEO

Jan Fagerström


Jan is the founder of Tim-Nordic with a life long experience from electronics production and sales.

[email protected]

📱 +358 40 7081800
☎ +358 20-7639191
Finnish, English

Tage Stenman

Sales Manager

Tage holds a B.SC in electronics. He has a deep knowledge about electronic manufacturing and our products.

[email protected]
📱  +358 40 5148604
☎ +358 20 7639 195
Finnish, English, Swedish

Peeter Soom, sales Estronia

Peeter Soom
Sales Estonia

Peeter is our ESD-expert on top of being  our sales engineer in Estonia. Peeter had several positions in the electronic industry.

[email protected]
📱  +372 5098 153
☎ 020-7639190
Finnish, Estonian, Russian, English

Susanna Fagerström, CFO and admin

Susanna Fagerström

CFO & Administration

Susanna is a crucial part of our team . Her broad knowledge of products, suppliers and logistics is a great asset to our customers.

[email protected]
📱 +358 40 7047887
☎ +358 20 7639 194
Finnish, English

Pär Gester, Sales Sweden

Pär Gester

Sales Sweden & Norway

Pär have hold many positions in the electronic industry. Design engineer, project engineer, sales manager and marketing engineer, and more.

[email protected]
📱 +46 (0)762 351090
☎ +358(0)20 7639 190
Swedish, English

Niklas Fagerström, warehouse manager

Niklas Fagerström

Warehouse & logistics

Niklas plays a key role in keeping our warehouse running smoothly. Niklas' attention to detail helps us serve our customers reliably every day. 

Finnish, English