Production | Inspection | Materials

Articulated Hand Rest with base for PHNEK - RHN-A

  • EUR 460,00

An indispensable tool for precision work which provides a point of support for the hand close to the working zone. It makes the work more comfortable enabling

Article Number: JBC-RHN-A
Supplier: JBC
An indispensable tool for precision work which provides a point of support for the hand close to the working zone. It makes the work more comfortable enabling a more relaxed position and reducing fatigue which makes it perfect for precise working processes like placing components soldering working with tweezers or solder feeding. Its base plate is designed to work with PHNEK Preheater Set. RHN is supplied with HRR Articulated Right Hand Rest. If accurate work with both hands at the same time is needed HRL Articulated Left Hand Rest is also available.