• Tim Nordic OY
Production | Inspection | Materials

2-Tool Rework Station - DDSE-2QE

  • EUR 2.220,00

DDSE Station equipped with MSE Module ensures efficient and precise solder removal thanks to its powerful suction system. It is ideal for SMDs high-power appli

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Article Number: JBC-DDSE-2QE
Supplier: JBC
DDSE Station equipped with MSE Module ensures efficient and precise solder removal thanks to its powerful suction system. It is ideal for SMDs high-power applications desoldering through-hole components and removing excess solder after SMD rework. It provides the highest rework quality thanks to JBC Most Efficient Soldering System while Intelligent Heat Management helps extend tip life and reduce energy consumption. Includes: • DDE 2-Tool Control Unit managing up to two tools simultaneously and fully compatible with 10 different JBC Tools delivering up to 150 W per tool. • T245 General Purpose Handle which works with C245 Cartridge Range. • DR560 Desoldering Iron which works with C560 Tip Range. • MSE Electric Desoldering Module offering exceptional suction power for a complete desoldering process.