• Tim Nordic OY
Production | Inspection | Materials

Magazine for Protectors - ESHT-A

  • EUR 360,00

Desk to better store and select extractors protectors and tripods for hot air stations. Extractors: E2052 E2064 and E2184. Protectors: P2220 P2235 P4000 P2

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Article Number: JBC-ESHT-A
Supplier: JBC
Desk to better store and select extractors protectors and tripods for hot air stations. Extractors: E2052 E2064 and E2184. Protectors: P2220 P2235 P4000 P2230 and P4010. Tripods: T2050 and T2250. JBC`s exclusive hot air system uses jointly extractors protectors and tripods for a quickly and safely desoldering.